Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is ventilatory support that is provided via a face mask to the patient’s upper airway, it is the most widely used supportive technique in intensive care units which primiarily for patients with acute hypercapnic ventilatory failure, and especially for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Pigeon Medical bubble CPAP is one of the non-invasive ventilation strategy for newborns which delivers continuous positive airway pressure to a spontaneously breathing newborn to maintain lung volumes during expiration.
Pigeon Medical is a medical NIV non-invasive breathing machine manufacturer in China, whose differents types of products are used supportive technique in intensive care units which primarily for patients with acute hypercapnic ventilatory failure, and especially for acute exacerbation of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. High quality. Attractive price/cost. Email us today to get more details about the NIV in medical devices for sale!
Types of Non Invasive Ventilation Devices
- Pigeon Medical air-oxygen blender is a device used by medical personnel to control the concentration and flow of oxygen for the rescue of patients with hypoxic problems while avoiding the side effects…
- By adopting america thomas oil free pump, oriental motor fan system and SMC air processing system , we manufacture good quality medical air compressor, it is widely used to match respiratory , anesthetic, auto CPAP system to supply compressed fresh air
- Introducing Pigeon Medical respiratory humidifier, a combination of modern technology and reliable performance, which designated by adopting heat balance principle, microcomputer control and heat-sens…
- Medical device treatment: In addition to drug treatment, respiratory support treatments relying on medical devices, such as oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxy…
- Pigeon Medical oxygen inhaler is a kind of device which is generally used in hospital patient rescue, hypoxia disease treatment and family healthcare for increasing the level of oxygen in the body’…
- In medicine, devices are sometimes necessary to create suction. Suction may be used to clear the airway of blood, saliva, vomit, or other secretions so that a patient may breathe. Suctioning can preve…
- Using the positive pressure maintained by the respiratory tract (especially during exhalation), the alveoli, which have shrunk or are about to shrink, are expanded to avoid early closure of the alveol.
- Pigeon developed and manufactured lightweight and durable infant resuscitators that can safely inflate the baby’s lungs and provide optimum oxygenation by delivering consistent PIP with each breat…
- Neonate Transport Cart:Innovative integrated design concept, change the traditional hospital transport.Accurately controlled flow, CPAP positive pressure respiratory support system.Medical mute, large…
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